Becoming A “Celebrity”

Posted by on Nov 1, 2011 in Success!Ezine For You



E. Carol Webster, Ph.D.
Original Copyright © 2011

Life gets complicated once you become a “celebrity”. Many people get blindsided and take a hit to their success because they don’t truly grasp that they’re now a high profiler. Don’t be caught off guard. Take steps to protect your hard-earned success.

  • Understand that You Are a “Celebrity”

Once folks begin to recognize you but you have no idea who they are, you’ve become a “celebrity”. Whether this only happens within your company, in your hometown, or whether you are now recognized on the national stage, you have become a high profiler. Even rising up the ranks of your social or religious organizations can catapult you to celebrity status. People now know your name and who you are while, more often than not, you don’t know them or you meet so many individuals day to day that you don’t remember their names or recognize their faces. It’s important to realize that now you are always “on stage” and must comport yourself accordingly.

  • Guard Your “Brand”

Like it or not, you are a “product” and have a “brand” too. The positive attitudes and behaviors that have made you successful constitute the package that others identify as “you”. There’s a predictable way you do your job, speak at meetings, dress, and network with others that they uniquely associate with you. So your brand will take a big hit when you do anything that departs from this image. It may disturb you to think you must always be in “character” and wear a “uniform”, like playing a role, but that’s the reality. Accept it and understand that it is exactly this brand that has contributed to your success, so don’t destroy it by doing dumb things. In today’s “Gotcha!” climate, all manner of behaviors — from picking your nose at a meeting, to making a quick trip to the supermarket in your ready-for-the-beach wear, to having one too many cocktails at the company party, not to mention more egregious behaviors – all can make it onto someone’s streaming video and into the public domain before you can blink. No good can come of this for you. Guard your brand by staying mindful of what you say and do at all times.

  • Step Up Your Game

When you’re under the radar screen, it doesn’t matter as much if all of your behaviors aren’t exactly aligned with your brand. But this definitely changes once you become a high profiler. For example, if you’ve been meaning to get better at public speaking, now’s the time to get some coaching. Expect requests for your appearance to increase. And these increased appearances mean increased photos, videos, and media publicity so if your wardrobe and grooming don’t project your best, you must begin to pay greater attention to yourself. Even if your brand is less corporate and is more “earthy” or is “trendy”, it should be impeccable. And remember that your celebrity image extends to your communications too, so adjust those that may need refinement. Using your fun, jokey email name for business purposes may no longer serve you well. Using political, religious or other personal interest taglines as part of your business email signature may alienate members of your staff, customers and others unless you work in these industries. In fact, these types of misalignments may have slowed your progress even though you’ve done well for yourself and still may be barring you from consideration for better opportunities, so restrict them to your personal life. But remember that even your personal life is not very private anymore. Make the necessary changes both personal and professional to improve yourself. Managing success requires more work, not less so don’t expect to coast. And scrap the defiant “I want people to know the real me!” People really don’t want to see all your warts and blemishes. Unless “the real you” is the image you’ve projected while building your success, be prepared for the fact that your public may reject it — and you!

Congratulations on your great success and best wishes for continued advancement. Just take care to present yourself in your best light and as the bona fide “celebrity” that you are!



About the Author:

Dr. E. Carol Webster is a clinical psychologist consultant in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
She is author of the book for those dealing with the stress of success ―
Success Management: How to Get to the Top and Keep Your Sanity Once You Get There,

The Fear of Success: Stop It From Stopping You! ―
the book to help you overcome fears that may be holding you back in your life and career
The Private Practice of Clinical Psychology in: Voices of Historical & Contemporary Black American Pioneers
To contact Dr. Webster visit online at or call 954.797.9766.

E. Carol Webster, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology Consulting
Mailing Address: 7027 West Broward Boulevard, #262  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317

Reprint Policy: You are welcome to reprint this article for your personal use and to share with friends and associates.
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