Mental Toughness

Posted by on Nov 1, 2018 in Success!Ezine For You

Stresses and crises come and go. But sometimes many troubles can overwhelm you at once, making you feel like you’re drowning. It takes mental toughness to stay afloat, so you can’t afford to lose emotional strength. Build muscle by remembering the following: You Can’t Always Handle Everything at the Same Time Mental toughness doesn’t mean…

Success Management for Family & Friends

Posted by on Sep 1, 2018 in Success!Ezine For You

You know the drill. You understand how to comport yourself as a high profiler. For the most part, your spouse or significant other does too. But, to your chagrin, the rules of success management for family and friends may elude the rest of your network. Their behavior, when negative, can tarnish your brand. Don’t be…

The Personal View Of Professional You

How do your patients view you “as a person”? Is the personal image you project the one you want to portray? For many clinicians, your professional effectiveness may rely upon being a “blank screen.” But the reality is that you can’t completely avoid revealing some distinctive aspects of yourself and your personality, especially if you…

Buff Up Your Brand

Posted by on Apr 1, 2017 in Success!Ezine For You

Some folks haven’t thought about their brand image in years. Your professional role and reputation can change and so can you, but these things need to remain in close alignment. For example, you always have a right to revive your cherished hippie look, but expect clients and colleagues in your ultra-conservative field of work to…

Cell Phone Chatter Damaging Your Brand?

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 in Success!Ezine For You

Cell phones help us stay connected 24/7. But just because you have it doesn’t mean you must use it at all times.  You’re not obligated to respond to every call the instant it comes in, so use self-discipline and prudence when you’re in work situations. Stop Broadcasting Your Business When working, neither your colleagues nor…

Professional Image: Is Yours Holding You Back?

Posted by on Oct 1, 2015 in Success!Ezine For You

You train for years to develop professional competence, but can fail to advance in your career if you don’t project a professional image too. You may have great knowledge in your head and outstanding technical skills, but won’t move up an inch if you don’t present yourself well. Just as you learned your craft, you…