Reject Funky Feedback
It’s important to accept constructive criticism, but some folks didn’t get the memo about how to give feedback to people. They grab any opportunity to lob negative attacks, often doing so to satisfy hostile feelings they secretly harbor about you. Push back on funky feedback. Consider the source and reject unhelpful criticism designed to push…
Spring Cleaning Is Great Time to Clean Up Worklife Too
Spring is a great time to clean house, so use the occasion to sweep out troublesome behaviors and relationships that are undermining your success. Detoxify your professional life and embrace enhancing and uplifting influences instead. What needs to go? Toxic Work Relationships Disconnect from colleagues who dump their work on you and burden you with…
No Obligation to Celebrate Everyone on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a great occasion to express your love for those you care about. But don’t go overboard. Like most holidays, Valentine’s Day is over-commercialized, causing you to feel compelled to buy cards, flowers, sweets, and other gifts for everyone under the sun. Don’t be manipulated by persistent marketing messages or social media photos…
‘Diss Those Who Disrespect You
Feeling ‘dissed and disrespected? You’ve got plenty of company. Successful people often are dogged by those who resent their success and who treat them with incivility. While you may opt to ignore these antagonizers, there are times when taking action is better. Who are these folks? Disgruntled Employees Many of the people who work for…
Fill The Empty Nest
As your kids go off to college, join the military, or make other moves to start on their way in life, you’ll feel “the empty nest”. Things just don’t feel the right without your youngsters underfoot, and you can’t quite figure out what to do with yourself. But these feelings of loss don’t have to…
Nix Non-Stop Talkers
Are you running for the exit because your gabby-mouth co-worker is headed your way? Non-stop talkers plague the people around them because they’re unrelenting and don’t pick up on behavioral cues that usually tell people you’ve grown weary of listening to them. Don’t be a captive audience for these folks. Get A Word In Edgewise…