Are You Annoying Your Customers?
You work hard to provide goods or services to the public and enjoy interacting with your customers. But is your communication style or that of your staff annoying them? Your intentions may be good — you think you’re just being friendly, but your customers may view your approach as too personal. Evaluate the way you’re…
Protect Your Practice Brand
After promoting a positive practice brand for decades, it’s understandable to feel upset when a disgruntled patient makes negative comments about you. Some folks won’t like the looks of your office. Others won’t like your treatment approach. And no matter how well trained and experienced you are, this can’t always be avoided or clinically managed.…
Set Goals This New Year
Another good year in business without doing any planning? Great, but don’t push your luck. Goal setting is important, so give your practice a boost this New Year. Improve Your Technology You may be “old school” and still conduct business like a dinosaur, but your patients don’t. Most are up-to-date with technology and expect you…
Skip Phones In Session
Even highly seasoned practitioners can forget that they need to focus on their patients and not phone calls when they’re in session. Sure, people are contacting you all the time for both business and personal reasons. But when you’re in session, patients are paying you for your expertise and your time, so don’t give them…
Cell Use Corrodes Customer Service
It’s become commonplace to see merchants tethered to their cell phones as they greet and wait on customers in their businesses. The phones are never on silent and when they ring, shoppers stand by patiently as lengthy business and even personal calls are answered. But remember that you’re the customer with money in hand who’s…
Cell Phone Chatter Damaging Your Brand?
Cell phones help us stay connected 24/7. But just because you have it doesn’t mean you must use it at all times. You’re not obligated to respond to every call the instant it comes in, so use self-discipline and prudence when you’re in work situations. Stop Broadcasting Your Business When working, neither your colleagues nor…