Buff Up Your Brand

Posted by on Apr 1, 2017 in Success!Ezine For You

Some folks haven’t thought about their brand image in years. Your professional role and reputation can change and so can you, but these things need to remain in close alignment. For example, you always have a right to revive your cherished hippie look, but expect clients and colleagues in your ultra-conservative field of work to…

Make Connections At Conventions

Conventions are a great opportunity to combine professional development with vacation. Popular destinations abound, making it possible for you to stay current with the latest information in your field while enjoying fun recreation too. But don’t just “attend.” Participate in activities with a purpose, and be strategic about the people you meet while there. Who…

Prepare For Public Speaking

Jumpstart your practice marketing by ramping up your public speaking schedule. As a professional, your expertise is in high demand and organizations are eager to hear what you have to say. Many practitioners avoid these engagements like the plague, but get over it! Professional speaking is a lucrative boost to your practice. Conquer Stage Fright…

Volunteer To Boost Visibility

There aren’t enough hours in the day for all you need to do, but try anyway to find time to serve as a volunteer. In addition to contributing to the growth and well-being of your community, you may be pleasantly surprised to enjoy increased professional visibility too. Discover Causes You Care About There are pressing…

Professional Image: Is Yours Holding You Back?

Posted by on Oct 1, 2015 in Success!Ezine For You

You train for years to develop professional competence, but can fail to advance in your career if you don’t project a professional image too. You may have great knowledge in your head and outstanding technical skills, but won’t move up an inch if you don’t present yourself well. Just as you learned your craft, you…

Marketing Your Practice Is Not An “Option”

DR. E. CAROL WEBSTER’S SUCCESS!EZINE MARKETING YOUR PRACTICE IS NOT AN “OPTION” E. Carol Webster, Ph.D. Original Copyright © 2014 Very seasoned practitioners as well as newbies often discuss whether they need to market their practices. There’s nothing to discuss about this. Marketing is not an “option”– it’s a necessity. Get over your resistance to “selling…