Back to School Stress

Posted by on Aug 1, 2010 in Success!Ezine For You



E. Carol Webster, Ph.D.
Original Copyright © 2010

Back to School time can be harder on you than your kids, so get ready for the stress! You have probably enjoyed a little more time for yourself during the summer, not having to be here or there, but that will soon change. Start preparing now for the transition so that you and your family can adjust to the new school schedule and routine.

  • Visit New Places Now

Don’t wait until school starts to make a visit. Check it out now. Meet school administrators and any staff who are available while they have more time to chat. This will help you to know what is expected and will give your child a visual picture of the new school and where they’ll be spending their day. This will boost their confidence in finding their way around, but will also help you assist them in problem-solving since you’ve been there yourself. It will also motivate you to become more involved in the school and parent advisory activities and to engage the support of your company, all of which will benefit the school and your child. Also take time to travel new bus routes and view after school programs and recreational sites. Visit them now so you know where they are, how they’re laid out, and who you and your child will be working with this year.

  • Don’t Shop ‘Til You Drop

More isn’t necessarily better, so don’t feel compelled to buy every item your child asks for. Once you visit the school, you’ll know exactly what the dress code is and what supplies are mandatory so let this guide your purchase decisions and the amount of cash you dole out for shopping. It may make you and your child feel special to have all the latest technology and gadgets, but rethink this if you’re going to be in debt when the credit card bills start rolling in. Your stress and misery will affect your child eventually, so be smart and spare yourself and the family this grief. It IS okay to set limits and to say “no.”

  • Start Easing Into Your New Time Schedule

Don’t wait until the first day of school to get on your new time schedule. Start easing into it a few days to a week ahead. Your kids have been used to staying up late because they don’t have anywhere to be early in the morning, and you haven’t been tied as tightly into mealtime, grocery shopping, laundry, and other routines because of the more relaxed summer schedule. Start ramping up. This will help you determine where you may need to make adjustments. And take time to chat with your boss. He or she may not have school-aged children and may not have the start of school on their radar screen. You may be able to take advantage of flex time to adjust to the way your child’s schedule will be this year, or you may need to make other arrangements. And since you will have learned what day and time key parent meetings take place at the school, this is a great time to discuss the importance of your involvement and how both you and the company can become involved in the school without compromising your workload. This will help your boss see that it’s a win-win for you, your child, the school, the company, and the community overall!

Back to School season is a stressful time of year. But you can manage these pressures with greater ease and success if you prepare for the new places and routines that will be heaped upon you once your children return to school.


About the Author:

Dr. E. Carol Webster is a clinical psychologist consultant in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
She is author of the book for those dealing with the stress of success ―
Success Management: How to Get to the Top and Keep Your Sanity Once You Get There,

The Fear of Success: Stop It From Stopping You! ―
the book to help you overcome fears that may be holding you back in your life and career
The Private Practice of Clinical Psychology in: Voices of Historical & Contemporary Black American Pioneers
To contact Dr. Webster visit online at or call 954.797.9766.

E. Carol Webster, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology Consulting
Mailing Address: 7027 West Broward Boulevard, #262  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317

Reprint Policy: You are welcome to reprint this article for your personal use and to share with friends and associates.
Contact Dr. Webster to obtain permission for any commercial purposes.